Δημοκρατικό Πατριωτικό Λαϊκό Κίνημα

Πολιτικό Πρόγραμμα Απόδημου Ελληνισμού

Demographic and economic resurrection of Greece through the Greek diaspora

Demographic and economic resurrection of Greece through the Greek diaspora

The birth rates in our country are at an all-time low, hundreds of Greek schools are closing annually both in Greece and throughout the Greek diaspora, thousands of young Greeks are leaving their homeland, and thousands of illegal Afro-Asian Islamists of fighting age are invading our country. Greece's farmland remains uncultivated. Productive businesses are closing. Energy is imported at exorbitant prices instead of being generated. Hundreds of thousands of Greeks lose their homes to loan-sharking funds that sell them to foreigners.


At NIKI, we believe the Greek diaspora can resurrect Greece on all of these fronts:  


  • "Legion of diaspora" in the Greek army: Greek expats' military service might be honored by their home country through incentives for academic studies and commercial activities in Greece.

  • Strong incentives for the repatriation of recently emigrated Greeks, as well as expatriate Greeks of the 2nd and 3rd generation, with preferential tax rates on business investments and home purchases.

  • Native Greek products in international markets: The Greek diaspora may revitalize the Greek economy by investing in Greek production through new collaborative schemes and channeling good Greek products to the five continents, with the state actively contributing to economic export-related diplomacy.

Αγιολόγιο και Επετειολόγιο

«Να νοσταλγείς τον τόπο σου, ζώντας στον τόπο σου, τίποτε δεν είναι πιο πικρό» Γ. Σεφέρης

Το Δημοκρατικό Πατριωτικό Κίνημα ΝΙΚΗ είναι ένας εγκεκριμένος Πολιτικός Οργανισμός, από τον Άρειο Πάγο, από τις 25 Ιουλίου του 2019.


Τραπεζικός λογαριασμός
IBAN: GR4102602030000830201895856 (Eurobank)
BIC: ERBKGRAAXXX | 0203 – Τσιμισκή 27 Θεσσαλονίκη


Πλατεία Αριστοτέλους 5, Θεσσαλονίκη 546 23

Τηλ: 2310 232999


Μαιζώνος 94 , τ.κ. 26221


Βασιλέως Γεωργίου Α' 11, Πειραιάς, 18532

Τηλ: 210 4112564


Σταδίου 10, Αθήνα 105 64

Τηλ: 210 3217890


Ναπ. Ζέρβα 2 και Πυρσινέλλα 1 Ιωάννινα. (1ος όροφος), Ιωάννινα 45221


Σπ. Σπυρίδη 38, 1ος όροφος, Βόλος 38221

τηλ: 2421025183

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